Sunday, May 31, 2009

Sacred name By Pastor G. Reckart

above: ancient paleo Hebrew semitic alphabet and the "supposed" soundings of the letters
above: actual copy of a portion of the Dead Sea Scroll of Psalms 119:59-64, written in ancient Aramaic (Babylonian) alphabet. The text is Talmudic-Babylonian (Aramaic) and is no older than perhaps around 30BC-50AD

WARNING: do not believe everything that is written in this article, but rather scrutinize the article and learn from it...

Do not take everything as Truth... but rather analyze the article and gather what you think is truth and discard what is not true...

I posted this article so that everyone reading my blog will be aware that such article exists.

I do not condemn nor condone this article but rather analyzed it.
We have our own stocks of knowledge and can research through the internet to gather additional information on the things written in this article...and to verify if it is true or not.

Do not limit on one source but use all available resources to verify what is written in this article- whether it is true or not...

I leave to the readers the conclusion about this article.

this is taken from:


RED- words that you would need careful scrutiny and to be cautious in analyzing...
these statements are to be analyzed carefully...

Form your own conclusions regarding these statements, on the basis of the truth...
Acts 4:12 Defines One Salvation Name A study on the name JESUS the only name for Salvation By Pastor G. Reckart Is the name of Jesus a fraud? Some claim that it is! I will be straight forward here. The tetragrammaton YHWH or YHVH or by any other letters, is found connected with sorcery and witchcraft. I do not believe them to be sacred. I deem them to be profane! While it may seem my statements are against all the scholars and sacred high chairs of learning centers, let them take another look. To long the herd instinct has taken over the Christian mind and they no longer "prove" anything when it comes from some supposed learned scholar. And most of these scholars are members of secret orders and mystic cult organizations trying to peddle their heresies by infusing them into the Church and Church doctrine. The tegragrammaton NEVER appeared in the scrolls at any time. These letters were placed in the margin of the scrolls by scribes who intended that Adonay, Ehyeh, Yeh, or LORD should be replaced by those four letters and the mystic pronounciation of them. There is absolutely NO PROOF that the tetragrammation was ever in the text of Scriptures. And when we find it supposedly there, as in the dead sea scrolls we discover that it is there by fraud.

What is the true sacred name of God? How does it apply or fit into the name of Jesus? We will look first for the answer in the famous account of the burning bush in Exodus 2:13-14:
"(13). And Moses said unto God, Behold, when I come unto the children of Israel, and shall say unto them, The God of your fathers hath sent me unto you; and they shall say unto me, What is his name? what shall I say unto them? (14). And God said unto Moses, EHYEH asher EHYEH: and He said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, EHYEH hath sent me unto you" What name was Moses to use? It was the sacred name "EHYEH." "Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, EHYEH hath sent me unto you." Anyone, Jew or Gentile, who claims that the sacred name given to Moses at the burning bush was Yahweh, Yahshua, or any other "Yah" name are liars! You will learn shortly that "Yah" was an Egyptian moon god. Why would he tell Moses to tell the Israelites the moon god sent him? God did not give or speak the tetragrammaton at the burning bush. Anyone who claims that the sacred name is "YHVH" or "YHWH" in this text and then make this into "Yahweh," "Yahshua," or "Jehovah" are liars. They may be educated liars, ignorant liars, or stupid liars, but still liars. I am making this bold and straight-forward statement because the Yahwist and their lying demonic false prophets have purposely perverted the Word of God to insert their guess names for the purpose of later recanting and denying that the name of "Jesus" is a valid and correct name in the English language of the Saviour. If you love and believe in the name of Jesus you will not find my remarks offensive, but if you deny the name of Jesus and you are reading this, you are a liar anyway for clicking ok to come here where you are not welcome. The information on this page is for those who love the name of Jesus. If you are reading this and you lied to get in here, then take a warning. What you are about to read as you sit there a confessed liar will show you, you have damned your soul. You cannot be saved. It would be better for you to click and get out of here. What is the sacred name revealed to Moses at the burning bush? It is EHYEH! And what name was he supposed to pronounce when he told them the name of the God who sent him? It is EHYEH! And what is then his memorial name of deliverance from Egyptian bondage? It is EHYEH! (15). And God said moreover unto Moses, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, The Lord (Adonai) God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, hath sent me unto you: this (or "EHYEH") is my name forever, and this is my memorial unto all generations. (KJV EXO 3:13-15 with Hebrew emphasis). God himself spoke three name-words to describe himself: God or Elohim; Lord God or Adonay Elohim, and Ehyeh. God NEVER gave to Moses the tetragrammaton here or anywhere else in the Bible. Any effort to change the word Adonay/LORD in this text to "YHVH or YHWH" and then insert either "Yahweh, Yahshua, or Jehovah" is false. You are a pervert if you do it and you will go to hell for adding unto the word of God: "Ye shall not add unto the word which I commanded you, neither shall ye diminish ought from it, that uye may keep the commandments of Adonay your Elohim (the Lord your God) which I commanded you" (Deut. 4:2). The words "LORD GOD" here in their original Hebrew is "Adonai Elohim." This "Adonai Elohim" was the name or titles by which God was address prior to Moses. Any effort to corrupt "Adonai" and make it into the tetragrammaton YHVH or YHWH is false. It is done falsely so that they may deny that the name EHEYH God sent Moses down into Egypt with is altered into "YAHWEH, YAHSHUA, or JEHOVAH." This is a sin and a grevious distortion of the Word of God! What did God call himself at the burning bush? He said "EHYEH asher EHYEH." This is said to mean "I AM that I AM. Why? Because in the Hebrew there is to future tense there is only past and present. To make EHYEH asher EHYEH to mean "I will be what I will be" is a futuristic statement and is false. We do not know what EHYEH asher EHYEH means other than how it is incorporated into the name of Jesus. And in that name it means "God is salvation or God has become salvation". If you are a believer in the fraud interpolated into the text above that the name of God is YHVH or YHWH and make these to mean "Yahweh, Yahshua, or Jehovah" then read no further. You are unworthy of what follows. If you have already recanted the name of Jesus and claim it comes from Zeus and or Latin and means pig-god, THEN GET OFF THIS PAGE. GET OUT OF HERE! YOU ARE NOT WANTED! REPROBATES ARE NOT MINISTERED TO HERE! For those who love the name of Jesus Christ you may continue this study. The sacred name given to Moses at the burning bush was EHYEH asher EHYEH. Read now and be blessed. Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh Iah or Yah Yah is not the name of God I do not care if it is in Psalms 68:4 as Jah. Easter is not the Passover and I do not care if they put Easter in the Bible at Acts 12:4 it is still a false word. There are other false words put into the Bible to deceive and to substitute truth with falsehood. The pagan name of "Yah" is the Egyptian moon god and all the Jewish scribes and Law-keeping reprobates will never overcome that fact. While many think the name "Iah or Yah" is a sacred name the history of it goes back to Egypt and perhaps even more prior. It is not the name of God and it is not an abbreviation of the alleged name Yahweh. We will provide more on this in the links below: "Yah" is the Egyptian moon god and "Shu(a)" is the Egyptian sky god: Yah as the goat god with whom also is associated the moon: There is now available a great amount of information on Yah, Yahweh, Jehovah, Yahshua, and many other false names being used for God and Jesus. Do not be deceived by the modern law-keepers and sacred-name Hebrew-roots movements that are full of heresy and who deny the Lord Jesus Christ. "Yah" is the Egyptian name of Toth as the moon god. And "Shu" is the Egyptian sky god of the heavens. When you glue Yah & Shu together to form "Yahshua" you have an Egyptian moon god as the sky or heaven god. I am shocked and amazed that such names are given to Jesus Messiah without regard to a shred of research. The name of Jesus is not "Yahshu or Yahshua" and I condemn all who use it for the Saviour! Ehyeh The sacred name "Ehyeh" (pronounced i-jeh, ieh, or as in the KJV iah or "i-ah") is the first person singular name of God. It is the ancient name of God first revealed to Moses at the burning bush. Prior to that time this name was not known or revealed. The three names by which God was known before this sacred name was revealed were "Elohim (God), Adonai (LORD), and Elshaddai (God Almighty). The Supreme being is called God, LORD God, and Elshaddai. At the burning bush a new covenant name was revealed. That name is EHYEH! Ehyeh is translated for its meaning "I AM that I AM" rather than the true name being in translations. Then I AM that I AM is further interpreted to mean "self existent, or the eternal one." Lying Yahwist remove I AM that I AM and interpolate the tetragrammatons "YHVH or YHWH" and make this into "Yahweh, Yahshua, and Jehovah". They totally ignore the sacred name of "HYH" or "Ehyeh" with its proper vowels, because the true sacred name of God plays no role in the fraud and confusion they will afterward bring upon the name of God. "And I appeared unto Abraham, unto Isaac, and unto Jacob, by the name of God Almighty (Elshaddai), but by my name EHYEH I was not known unto them" (BJV EXO 6:3). Now some claim that the sacred name of "EHYEH" or in the Yahwist cases "Yahweh" or some other guess name like Jehovah, was known by Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. This begs the question then why God said he appeared unto them by the name of God Almighty (Elshaddai in Hebrew)? Why did God not skip this "God Almighty" name of ELSHADDAI stuff and just say he was known to them by the name of Yahweh, Jehovah, Yahshua, or some one of the other guess names? He did not because he had not revealed his new Covenant sacred name to them. Why did he say he appeared unto them by the name of Elshaddai if he had in fact already revealed the alleged names "Yahweh, Jehovah, or Yahshua" unto them? He did not because prior to the burning bush the sacred name of "Ehyeh" had NOT BEEN REVEALED to Abraham, Isaac, or Jacob. In fact this sacred name was not known by anyone all the way back to Adam. I know right well of the interpolation of the word "LORD" into the text beginning in Genesis 2 and afterward, that some take these insertions as a corruption of YHWH that they claim was in the original text and have subsequently inserted Yahweh in an attempt to correct the interpolations; and then turn and use these alleged corrected evidences in an attempt to prove that Moses DID NOT receive the sacred name EHYEH in Exodus 3:14 for the first time. Such interpolations and subsequent manipulations are fraud and fraud compounded. The fact is that Abraham called God "my Lord" or "my Adonai" (Strongs #113 & #136). If the word "Lord" appears in the sacred text prior to the encounter of Moses with God at the burning bush and the revelation of Ehyeh as the progressive revelation of his name, then "Lord" should be translated from "Adonai" and its rood "Adown" and not removed and "LORD" (in all caps) placed in the text to later be replaced by the tetragrammaton and at last corrected by the Yahwist to insert "Yahweh". LORD: Some are making a lot of false statements that the Old Testament "LORD" is a pagan name that comes from BAAL because "Baal" also has the usurped meaning of being "master or lord". Let's not be to eager to make accusations and tend to be a little stupid here.

When Nimrod usurped for himself a throne and began a kingdom line disconnected to the true genealogical line from Adam to Jesus Messiah, he by nature usurped the titles "master and lord" as a god manifest (Nimrod Ephipanes)

Sarah called Abraham "lord" but she did not mean by it that he was a God, nor did Abraham usurp to himself some theory he was a God. The theft by Nimrod of the titles used by the Patriarchs in honor and worship of God does not give Nimrod exclusive rights to these identities. He stole them from God and made himself a god.

Do we say that the word "Elohim" is a pagan name because it is used inappropriately by pagans and attributed to idols, angels, and men, etc.? No we do not. So, ok, lay off the accusations and let's deal in facts and honor to our God.
The names of many men ended or began with "baal (ba-al)" to signify "lord" in the sense of "master and owner and even king" (Strongs #1167 see also Genesis 36:38 for an example). If these titles were not used to usurp away from God his worship, and if they are not used to usurp for a person some idea he was a god, then the use of the titles are not evil or criminal.

God certainly made no protest through the prophets for use of these titles in a correct manner. In the Hebrew Scriptures the true God of Israel is identified as Israel's ba-al! In Isaiah 54:5, the prophet declares: "For your Maker is your husband (Hebrew, ba-al) the LORD of hosts is His name." Also in Jeremiah 31:32 we find: "I was a husband (Hebrew ba-al) to them, says the LORD."
In Genesis 20:3 Abraham is called "ba-al"; in Exo 21:22 husband is called "ba-al"; in Exo 21:29 an owner of an ox is called a "ba-al"; in Exo 22:8 a master of a house is called "ba-al"; in Lev 21:4 a chief man is called "ba-al"; in Judges 9:2,3,6,7,18,20,23,24,25,26,46,47, the men of Shechem are all called "ba-al"; in 1Sam 23:2 David calls the men of Keilah "ba-al"; in Esther 1:17 husbands are called "ba-al"; in Proverbs 1:19 owners are called "ba-al"; in Isaiah 16:8 Lords of the heathen are called "ba-al"; in Jer 3:20 husband is called "ba-al"; in Jer 37:13 captain is the word "ba-al"; and in Joel 1:8 husband is called "ba-al".

All these instances illustrate that different men in different times understood the word "ba-al" not to have a pagan or idolatrous meaning. It is when this word is applied to a pagan god and the pagan god replaces the true God and the word Baal is used to identify a false god as God that the word becomes misused.
The sacred-name sects and cults not only want to destroy and blot out the name of Jesus from the earth, they also claim that the word God is pagan and the word Lord or Adonai are also pagan. Some of these cult groups also reject Elohim as the name of a pagan god and substitute instead of God, "mighty one". This of course offers no escape because such was also used for pagan gods. God himself spoke to the Prophets and claimed he was God, Elohim, and Adonai. If God has no problem using these titles for himself, why should we follow some sacred-name cult leader who now wants to correct not only the Word of God which he is not qualified to do, but he is going to CORRECT GOD HIMSELF! It is when man elevates himself up to a god or uses the titles attributed to God for idols, and uses these titles to deceive others, that he has committed the sins of the devil.

So, when the Jews attributed to Nimrod the title of Baal as a god and gave the same qualities they attributed to God to Nimrod, this was wrong and sin.

To turn and say that since Baal means lord, and that this is the same use of "ADOWN or ADONAY" translated LORD is wrong, is false.

To say that the title LORD is an exclusive name for only Baal, is error.

Abraham called God "ADONAY" in Genesis 18:3 and then knew God only as Elshaddai (Adonay Elshaddai; Lord God Almighty; found four times in the book of Revelation).

It is wrong and a sin to lead the unlearned to blaspheme by giving them false information.

We are not to give or attribute the glorious titles of God to idols. I would lay the charge against the Yahwist that they have done just that. They have given names and titles of the true God over to the pagans to be used by the pagans exclusively for their pagan gods and idols. They then dare anyone to attribute to the true God what they have given to the pagans.
The Jews removed the name of Nimrod from the text of the scrolls and left remaining only his usurped title as "lord" and translated this as "Baal."

They are so dumb, to have left the names of the other two of that Babylonian trinity, namely "Ashtoreth and Tammuz."

It is no great thing then to reconstruct that "Baal" is Nimrod, the husband-god of Ashtoreth and the alleged father of the god Tammuz (the first trinity).

Why is it that so many want to correct errors in text and this one slips by all the translators and the pundits? That some Jews did attribute God's titles to idols does not mean we are forbidden to use these titles correctly in worship of the true God. God is LORD because he said the heavens and the earth are his (EXO 9:29; PSA 24:1; 1COR 10:26).
Kurios: Some make the claim that the word "LORD" is also a Greek word and is foreign to the Hebrew language. This is false. The fact is that the word "LORD" is a Hebrew word and comes from the Hebrew word "ADOWN" (Strongs #113 & 136 a king or sovereign) from which comes "ADONAY" which is a Hebrew word translated into the Septuagint Greek version of the Old Testament became "Kurios" and both are CORRECTLY translated "LORD" and this refers to kingship or sovereignty. In saying the word LORD is a correct translation of the Greek Kurios, we are not saying that the word "LORD" is a name of God. It is not a name of God. It is a title like Father. In may hundreds of places it is a substitute word REPLACING the ancient sacred name of God ADONAY that was once in these locations in the Scripture. Why they capitalized Lord "Adonay" we do not know. We do know that every time they came to the HYH "Ehyeh" they would pronounce ADONAY. This was not just a habit or a fill in to keep from saying some secret hidden name. He who was "EHYEH" was also ADONAY. EHYEH is no other than God and adding "the articulation "IAH" or "iah" as the pronunciation of EHYEH to names can NEVER be perverted into YAHWEH, JEHOVAH, or YAHSHUA! We do not know where all these places might have been where ADONAY existed in the original Hebrew and Greek versions of the Scriptures. The sacred name of "HYH" was taken out of the text and Adown and Lord inserted. All we have are traditions why they removed it and no actual recorded facts to back up these up. But what does this matter if we have a GREATER name for salvation in the name of JESUS? A name that would be GREATER than any Old Testament name or title of God! To then say the word LORD in English when worshiping or in Preaching, and mean by this Kurios, Adown, or Adonay in Hebrew, is to honor God as KING, the supreme ruler of the universe WITHOUT THIS BEING USED AS A NAME! The word "LORD or Kurios" here is a title and it is not a name! In Genesis 4:26 when Enos began to call upon the name of the "LORD" this is in reference to God as supreme ruler of the earth. This word LORD here must be from ADOWN or ADONAY.

Anytime anyone calls Jesus "Lord" they are saying he is the ruler over them and all the earth. They are acknowledging his reign OVER THEM as the "last" heir upon the throne of David in the Kingdom of God.

To backward interpolate into this text of Enos the sacred name first given to mankind at the burning bush is false. To backward interpolate into this text the tetragrammaton is false. Jews and Gentiles have incorrectly given to the word "LORD" when applied to God, the name of EHYEH in these prior text instances, when in fact the sacred name of EHYEH was FIRST given to Moses at the burning bush. Jews and Gentiles have attempted to give the title "LORD" the same identity as the sacred name. This is wrong! Thus, when they see LORD in the text they suppose it automatically means they can insert their guess names and the tetragrammaton where ever the word LORD is found. Correctly, the sacred name should be in the text only "after" it was revealed to Moses. Before and after the revelation at the burning bush, the text of the Scriptures could have God and LORD (as meaning ADONAY) with no intent of the sacred name being intended or to be spoken. In fact, in several hundred places in the Scriptures where LORD appears now in the text structure, the text appears to originally had only the word "GOD" and the word "LORD" was added. In some cases the word LORD or (ADOWN) was in the text originally and the scribes inserted into the scrolls the sacred name and later the interpolated tetragrammaton and its many variant spellings.
The sacred name "Ehyeh" can also be spelled "Ehieh" since in the ancient Hebrew there is no "y" in the alphabet. However, we are not dealing so much in the spelling as we are a pronunciation that in modern languages a particular sounding letter satisfies the means of speaking the ancient letter and subsequently the name.

TETRAGRAMMATON (please refer to the pictures above this page)

Below is an actual copy of a portion of the Dead Sea Scroll of Psalms 119:59-64, written in ancient Aramaic (Babylonian) alphabet. The text is Talmudic-Babylonian (Aramaic) and is no older than perhaps around 30BC-50AD.

The scroll was among the library of the Essenes who devoted their lives to expunge from the manuscripts corruptions placed in them by Babylonian tainted scribes. We do not know if this Psalm scroll was considered by them to be authentic or among those that were corrupted. Scholars themselves are at disagreement with them when compared to the Septuagint and other versions. There are thousands of differences. The text below contains two different types of alphabet letter characters. Yet many hail this forgery as authentic.

Notice the four letters at the bottom and the blue arrow showing the location. These four letters are foreign to the rest of the script both as to style and also the slant of the letters. These are in paleo Hebrew an ancient alphabet prior to the Babylonian captivity. They are not in conformity with the previous written script. They are not even inserted in the manuscript level with the surrounding text. This shows that this is a forgery and an interpolation.
Thus, the four letters are a careful fraud. The scripting is Aramaic Babylopnian rabbinical writing and did not come into practice until after the Babylonian captivity. The interpolation is four letters written in the ancient Paleo Semitic alphabet (sometimes called ancient Hebrew).

Below I am going to post the ancient paleo Hebrew semitic alphabet and the "supposed" soundings of the letters:

Please notice that there is no such letters as "y", "w', or "u". Thus, any guess name that so many now claim is the true sacred name that uses the letters or English sounds of "y", "w", or the "u", is false.

From the chart to the left you can see that there is an attempt to corrupt the above text by interpolating into it the letters IHWH. Also, please notice that the alphabet scripting opposite is totally unlike the Babylonian rabbinic scripting used above into which the Yahwist created their corrupted "YHWH".

The following "guess" names by scholars and other name pundits are all false:
Yahuah; Yahueh, Yahve, Jehowah, Eave, Yahhewahe, Yahweh, Yehwah, Yahwah, Yahuah, and Yohewah (to list only a sample of the false names being claimed to be the sacred name).

So many pundits and alleged scholars claim that the sounding of the "J" as Jeh is false since the letter "J" came from "I" and there was no letter "J" or a corresponding sound with the letter "I". This is not only false, it shows how ignorant these are who make this argument. The pronouncing of the letter "I" most certainly had the "J" or "jo" or "jod" sound as this is preserved in the Greek translations as well as was preserved in the Greek the pronunciation of "iah" for the Hebrew most sacred name EHYEH. Moses used the "J" sounding of "I" when he renamed Oshea to Jehoshua. And make a careful note of this hermaneutic cornerstone, the prefix is not "Yah" it is "YEH" or "JEH." A fact so many either overlook on purpose or their error causes them to give it little recognition or weight. The problem is inserting the vowel between I and H. Is the correct vowel "a" or is it "e". The Masoretes inserted the vowel point for "a" and this corruption has been the source of that error ever since.
Research Beyond The Books: Do not always rely on some modern books (Jewish or Gentile 1500-present) to give you the correct information about the sacred name. Many of these books are full of error, lies, misinformation, and apostasy. Several alleged artifacts are claimed to have the YHVH or YHWH inscribed in or upon them, and we have discovered these to be frauds someone manipulated. If you want to accept what some Bible translator or writer places into his "preface" or other introductory notes as proof of some fact the sacred name is spelled a certain way, then you may be using error for your faith. Just go look up the trinity or water baptism. In most books, errors on these are painted as the truth, even in encyclopedias. When you look up witchcraft, masonry, and the rosicrucians, you do not find their evil oaths or anything about their rituals, they give you what makes them look nice or correct. In witchcraft they only give you what they want to make them look acceptable. So it is in most of the books about Biblical issues, the writers give you what they want to make their beliefs appear legitimate. We find this *give you what we want* in operation between the Pharisees and the Saducees against Jesus and the Apostles. In their Talmud they only write and give hate and bad reports about Jesus, the Apostles, the New Testament, and Christians. They refer to these traditions of the Rabbis (Elders) and not the Scriptures. Meaning, these writings called *Traditions of the Elders,* were the Pharisee's opinion and interpretation about the Old Testament which Jesus REJECTED. These who made themselves gates to heaven or hell, did not favor the common people reading or interpreting the Scriptures or their books. They most assuredly did not like for anyone to challenge their interpretations. No, they had the system set up that if a person did not learn about religion from them, their books, or at their rabbinical schools, then that individual was considered not to know the LETTERS of Scripture and therefore IGNORANT and UNLEARNED. Thus no one had permission or authority to teach contrary to them or have an opinion not based upon their traditions or interpretations. This was hurled at Jesus in Joh 7:15. Control of the books is a vital tool of antichrist to herd people into a channel of thought to accept their interpretations, a form of manufacturing consent, like cattle lanes on a farm used to lead lambs blindly to the slaughter. Charging The Yahwist With Error: The charge against the Yahwist is that they have so much hate against the name of Jesus, that they do not take the time to research it to come to the truth of it. Here is one of those antichrist allegations found on a Yahwist forum: Posted by Sequoya: "What I have learned from friends on the name issue. Under swine in Noah Webster's 1828 dictionary that "SUS" is latin for swine. When I saw this I began to think that it might be possible that I may be deceived about the name of the savior. His name means "pig god". Another piece of research that came across my path was where the name of Jesus came from. Here it is. In regard to the pagan character of the unbloody sacrifice of the mass, we have seen not little already. But there is something yet to be considered, in which the working of the mystery of iniquity will still further appear. There are letters on the wafer that are worth reading. These letters are IHS. What mean these mystical letters? To a Christian these letters are represented as signifying, " Iesus Hominum Salvator" " Jesus the Savior of men." But let a Roman worshipper of Isis (for in the age of the emperors there were innumerable worshippers of Isis in Rome) cast his eyes upon them, and how will he read them? He will read them of course, according to his own well-known system of idolatry: "Isis, Horus, Seb," that is "The Mother, the Child, and the Father of the gods," in other words, " The Egyptian Trinity." The Two Babylons or The Papal Worship, Alexander Hislop. The name of Jesus then equals Isis which is not the name of my Elohim." Is Hislop correct? Does not anyone know that the Egyptian trinity is not Isis, Horus, and Seb: but it was Osiris, Isis, and Horus in that order "OIH" and not that manufactured by Hislop? If you want to be anticatholic because of the mass or some other perversion of truth, that is fine, only tell the truth. Do not succumb to lies to refute lies. Hislops twist of the facts are not needed to prove the mass is a pagan ritual not practiced anywhere in the New Testament. For Sequoya above to associate Jesus with Isis is a shame beyond comprehension. But then, Yahwist are not known for trying to find the truth once their antiJesus hatred reaches its virulent peak. The name of Jesus means "pig god", come on Sequoya, surely you have more brains than that. But then, even Jerry Kirk in a debate in Atlanta, Georgia several years ago claimed this same meaning about the name of Jesus. HE said that to baptize in the name of Jesus was to baptize in the name of a "pig god". So it appears this tale is circulating among the Yahwist and they as in other cases of their ignorance, have taken it as fact and are spreading the falsehood. They make the claim but they do not cite one source of reliability to back up their anti-Christ claim. To take Latin "sus" and associate this with the name of Jesus because it has "sus" within it, is ignorance. Could we say then that all words beginning with or ending in "sus" likewise mean "pig or swine"? Let's look at some of this stupidity for a minute: Sus-penders= "pig straps" Sus-pension= "pig held high by both ends" Sus-picious= "pig looking" Sus-tain= "pig support" Sus-teneance= "pig food" Sus-pect= "pig criminal" Sus-an= "pig woman" Sus-annah= "pig money" And some of these idiots claim that "sus" or "soos" in the name of Jesus means "horse god". They take this from the word "horse" in Hebrew (Strongs 5483 cuwc (soos). Thus they say, "aha the name of Jesus in Hebrew means "horse god." This is proof that ignorance is the birth of stupidity and false doctrine. Those who have the same mentality of the person spreading stupidity are the converts to such false doctrines the Yahwist are spreading. It has been my experience that they are all rebels and cannot be Pastored and do not fit within the Church family of those holding to sound doctrine so they depart out from among us to declare themselves as the prophets of God and end up in every wind of doctrine and heresy that comes to their ears. My 91 year old daddy once told me: "Son, figures never lie but liars always figure". My point here is that if you try to find out the meaning and interpretation of the name of Jesus from those who already have virulent hatred against his name, or from Jewish or Gentile books continuing a tradition of man, you will likely NEVER find it. All you will find is what they want you to know to group you into their theology and traditions of interpretation, with such like that the name of Jesus derives or comes from "sus" and means "pig god." Others who follow this mentality will also rush to the names Joshua or Yoshua, or Ya- Shua, and then interpret them as meaning "Jehovah is salvation" (Jehovah is the Saviour of Jesus, one God saving another God). If and when you ever get deeply into the study of the guess-names Jehovah and Yahweh, you will enter into the murky and dark world of the occults where their conjecture and supposition are brought together in mysticism to claim they have discovered the lost sacred name based upon either an interpretation of YHVH or YHWH. Out of the practice of these cult groups comes the methodology of special tricks used in Jewish gematria and numerology to try and prove these guess names are accurate. Here is the bottom line on this. We are to base our faith on the MORE SURE WORD OF PROPHECY, what saith and teacheth the Word of God. If someone wants to prove the name of Jesus means "pig god" or some other of their claimed falsehoods, let them produce the evidence. This far all they have done is made claims and assertions and produced nothing.

NO OTHER NAME: In Acts 4:12 the Scripture is plain and clear: *There is NONE OTHER NAME under heaven given among men whereby we MUST be saved.* The Yahwist claim this name is that of God the Father (Yahweh), and not the name of their second God the Son (Yahshua). So in their interpretation of Acts 4:12 the reference is not Yahshua or Jesus but it is the Father's name Yahweh that is the saving name. Thus, they teach there is absolutely no salvation in the name of the second God at all, salvation is only in the name of Yahweh. The Oneness Yahwehs simply claim that the name of God the Son is Yahweh and that he came in his Father's name and so say the salvation name is still Yahweh. Actually I have found the alleged Oneness Yahwist to actually be two-God, in that they continue to separate the Father and his name separate from the Son and his name. Now the word *name* in Acts 4:12 points back to its antecedent, the *name* of Jesus Christ in verse 10. It does not point back to the name Yahweh or any word to prove Yahweh is the only saving name.

So, let's get this straight: No other name of God, no other name of man, no titles, no appellations, is or can be a salvation name except that of JESUS Messiah. This fully proves that whatever the Old Testament names of God were, they have been replaced with the much greater NAME than they all. The Jews who reject Jesus and his name as Jesus Messiah (Christ) or LORD JESUS CHRIST (KING JESUS MESSIAH), have no choice but to still think they can obtain salvation in an Old Testament name or title of God or some name they invent like the tetragrammaton.

Leaning upon these errors, Gentiles will attempt to deny that the name JESUS is a valid name, and try to substitute for it Yahweh and even Yahshua. Some want to hang their whole case upon the use of *J* as a substitute for *I* or *Y*. Are these claims valid? Read the rest of this article and you will find that they are not.
Those who come to deny the name of JESUS want everyone to think of the ancient names of God as higher and more holier than that name and spelling. Some even want the Greek substitute LORD which was interpolated in Greek Septuagint version at Exodus 3:14-15 in the place of the *removed* sacred name, and want this *LORD* to be a name and substitute it in Mathew 28:19 for the word Father in Baptism? This also is false! Errors about the name of Jesus end up certifying the practices of Pharisee Judaism as being the correct way to God and Heaven without the name of Jesus, by going back under the Law and by using some claimed old Testament name of God that saves better than the name of Jesus? Well, as an Apostolic Messianic Christian Jew (Rom 2:29), I reject that. Our faith is not in the guess names and methods of Jewish, Catholic, or Protestant mysticism that tries to discover the lost name so they need not to confess faith in the revealed salvation NAME of Jesus. Remember, we have a MORE SURE WORD OF PROPHECY on the sacred and most holy name of God. The name of JESUS was prophesied by an angel to be the name all Gentiles and Jews would put their TRUST in for salvation AND IN THAT DAY THERE WOULD BE ONE NAME OF GOD (Isa 11:10, 12:4; Zech 14:9; Luke 1:31. That NAME was prophesied to Mary before Jesus was born (the more sure word of Prophecy); Mat 12:21; Rom 15:12). Isaiah 52 & 53 And The Suffering Servant: Who is the suffering servant of Isaiah 52 and 53. Will we find his name as Yahshua? Beginning at Isaiah 52:13 after the word hineh and taking the first letter of every seventh letter what do we have? We have "Yeshua simon lemo". Interpreted as "YESHUA IS APPOINTED TO BE HIM." Yeshua is certainly not Yahshua or Yahwehshua. The name Yeshua correctly Yehshua is transliterated as Jehsus and with the "h" silent as in Yeshua, we have Jesus! This is remarkable. This name was transliterated into Greek by the Apostles as "IEHSOUS" and dropping the "H" as "IESOUS." The sacred name without the masculine "s" would be "IESOU". And from this we get some who pronounce the sacred name as Jehsu and Jesu. Anyone who associates this sacred name of God with the name of a pagan god or claims that it means "pig god" deserves the antichrist award of the year. The name of Jesus does not mean "pig god". It is a name that means more than just that of a second God in a trinity or in dualism the second god.

Jesus is the God of the Old Testament incarnated in flesh (1Tim 3:16), therefore he is the God referred to as *ADOWN or LORD.* As the ADOWN, the sovereign, the King, Jesus is both Christ (Messiah) and LORD Luke 2:11. He is the anointed One to be the ADOWN or sovereign LORD King of Israel on David's throne. He is the Messiah, he is the pre-existing God Almighty who swore by an oath to David that he would visit mankind through the seed (flesh) of David and when he did, He would sit as KING of kings and LORD of lords upon David's throne over all Israel and all the world: Psalms 132:11--The LORD hath sworn in truth to David; he will not turn from it; Of the fruit of thy body will I set upon thy throne. Emmanuel: And his name shall be called Emmanuel, which being interpreted is God with us. Jesus Messiah is the God who is to be with us Mat 1:23 in person and appear as a man of the seed of David. He will have a dual nature of God and man. Anyone who denies the deity of Jesus is an antichrist. When God came in the flesh to sit upon David's throne his name cannot mean he is Jehovah Junior, or Yahweh Junior, or some second person in a triad or pantheon of gods, as some try to make his name mean by making Jesus another person separate from God. They do this in order to derive his name from another God which is alleged to be hidden within the tetragrammation(s) YHVH or YHWH. When Messiah comes his name will be that of Almighty God! There is no need then to go back and try to use a replaced name or title, or to try and recover some lost name! We have it all in the name of JEHSUS MESSIAH. Yahwist follow the Pharisees method in rejecting the name of Jesus. The Pharisees are bewitched that a lost name and its substitute LORD is the real salvation name and reject the name of Jesus as being the name of a false prophet whom they had killed. Yahwist believers agree with the Pharisees that the tetragrammaton and the guess name of Yahweh is greater than the name of Jesus and even their own substitute name of *Yahshua* they make greater. Yahweh Groups Call Jesus "Pig God": Yahweh groups are usually led by self-made and self-appointed alleged scholars who tower above the unlearned and slow of heart as experts of language and transliterations. They borrow Jewish methods from the occult Kabbalah to manipulate the tetragramaton until they also guess name for God to be Yahweh. These then turn and say that the name of Jesus is either the name of a pagan god or that it means the PIG. These claim that the *sus* in Je-sus is Latin for pig and this make the name of Jesus to mean pig or unclean pig god or such like! They do so to get the ignorant and unlearned to gasp in horror that they were baptized into the name of a false god or into a name that means pig. Quite a few have fallen for this ploy and right away start using word YahShua when speaking of Jesus. I am absolutely SHOCKED at this sorcery being palmed off as revelation and subsequently the total disregard of the name of our God kept secret since the world began; ...a name revealed by an angel when the Saviour came to earth incarnated in the seed and flesh of David to redeem his creation by the glorious name of JEHSUS (Luke 1:30-33)! There is no GREATER name above the name of JESUS. God has none greater. Look at what God said to Manoah: *And the angel of the LORD said unto him, why askest thou after my name, seeing it is secret (Judg 13:18)? Then when Jacob wrestles with this same theophany of God and asks his name, God refuses to give it to him because the fullness of time had not come for it to be revealed for salvation. All they had then were Elohim (God) and Elshaddai (God Almighty). This up to Moses and the burning bush. There, when Moses ask the name of God, God said to him *I am that I am* (Exod 3:14). Those words are not at all like that in the ancient Hebrew. Instead it is written *Ehyeh asher Ehyeh*. Now *EHYEH* is considered the great name of God given to Moses to be his memorial to all generations. When the Jews wanted to take the sacred name out of the scrolls, they replaced it with an interpretation of the name rather than the name. When the Old Testament was translated into Greek in about 280BC, the alleged Jewish scholars substituted in every place the sacred name of EHYEH was found the word *Kurios* which means LORD, a title given to Kings in respect of their authority and dominion over all. Thus, the Jews took from the concept of Supreme Ruler or *self-existent-one*, and inserted LORD and gave it that interpretation in the place of the sacred name of EHYEH (God is salvation). This they said was done to keep the poor and stupid of the Israelites and the pagan Gentiles from profaning the name of God by taking or using it in vain. So, in our King James, the translators adopted the Jewish method of inserting the word LORD capitalized so as to say ADOWN or ADONAY in reference to HIM who alone is God, King, Sovereign, and has DOMINION. But having the word LORD in the King James is not a NAME and is not the name of God anyway they manipulate it. To change it into "Jehovah or Yahweh" or some other guess name where the sacred name does not belong is wrong. The word "LORD" was never the NAME OF GOD nor was it ever given by God to be used as a name for him. The word LORD is then merely a *TITLE* and no better than the title Father! For anyone to make the argument that title LORD is a real name because it appears in the KJV, shows the lack of scholarship of the person making the claim. Some insist that the word LORD is indeed a name, if so, then should we then speak it in English or in Hebrew? Was English and the King James Version the language and translation used in the Old Testament and in the days of Jesus? To insist that the title "LORD" is a name and refuse the Hebrew words for that title is not honest etymology or exegesis. In many places in the Scriptures where the word LORD is now found, the ancient name of EHYEH existed until it was censored out by the Jews. Around 280BC the Scribes translated the Hebrew text into Greek and the Hebrew "ADOWN and ADONAY" were translated as Kurios. Kurios was also interpolated into all the text where the sacred name as given to Moses existed in the text. Subsequently, the title "LORD" replacing the sacred name of EHYEH, was backward interpolated into the Scriptures BEFORE Exod 3:14 where in the KJV it is recorded to have been first given and revealed to Moses (such first interpolation we fined in Gen 2:4 etc.). Any retranslation of the word LORD before Exod 3:14 into the sacred name of Exodus 3:14 is an error of the Jews and Yahwist, to make the divine name to exist BEFORE Moses got it from God at the burning bush. And if Moses knew it, why would he ask about it and God reveal it to him as if he did NOT know it? Any use of the word LORD to say Father, the name Jesus to say the Son, or the word Christ to say Holy Spirit (Mat 28:19), and say that the name is LORD JESUS CHRIST, are deceived by the same spirit of error as those Jews and Yahwist who now use the guess words of Yahweh or Jehovah, and reject the name of JESUS alone as the one saving name. Jesus was born both Lord (King) and Christ (Messiah), but his name is called JESUS. You may say with all reverence King Jesus Messiah, for that is the same as saying *Lord Jesus Christ*, but his name is JESUS (Mat 1:16; Luke 1:31). So that to baptize Acts 2:38: Jesus Christ, is to say the sacred name JESUS and identify him as GOD, KING, and MESSIAH. THAT is the confession upon which our whole Apostolic faith is founded. So, the interpretation of the name EHYEH given in Exod 3:14 is replaced by the interpretation of self-existent one or, ...the I am. And so even up to today, these quotations are used by the ignorant and the unlearned who think the Jews have a great mastery of the Scriptures and the sacred name. That is why they are called BAALSHEM, Baalshem, or masters of the name. But I say Baal is not the name of God. That Baalshem means name of Baal as God. And I conclude that the Jews have replaced or forgotten then name of God (Ehyeh) for BAAL (Jer 3:21, 13:25, 18:15, 23:37important). The Jews took the name of *Baal* and associated with it the title LORD that they had attributed to God. And it is this false *lord* of Babylon *Nimrod* called *Baal* and the use of the word *lord* that God protested when he accused the Jews of forgetting his name for Baal or *lord*. This is not a light matter, and it points directly to the perversion of the sacred Scriptures where Ehyeh was censored out and the word *lord* in capitals was inserted where EHYEH was stood. Then to translate this *LORD or lord* to YHVH or YHWH to mean Jehovah or Yahweh, and still not discover *Ehyeh* the ancient first singular covenant name, and still reject *JESUS* as the one saving name of God, is error and falsehood compounded. I would urge you to read all of the previous cited verses and check deeper than the books of man and you will find this truth. Sometimes it is right in the reference in the center of the Bible page. There many will put *Ehyeh asher Ehyeh.* I was shocked to find it in my own Royal Bible. The sacred name of EHYEH translates into HYH when the vowel *e* is removed, ...not YHVH or ...YHWH. And, if you will pay special attention to those who speak in tongues as the Spirit gives the utterance, you will *NEVER* hear anyone say JEHOVAH or YAHWEH, but you will hear thousands say: EH-YEH, or *I-yeh* over and over and over and over and over. Many have been heard in foreign lands to speak the name of Jesus in English as they spoke in other tongues as the Spirit gave the utterance. Surely this is some GREAT weight of evidence that God knows his name. You will hear many speak in tongues and say Eh- sha or I-sha, and even Yeh-sha and Jehsus. And we think they have learned English when they are saying the name of our God in a manner that Heaven approves and accepts as equivalent as the entire sacred name YEHSHAS. When we say Jesus in praise and worship there is no need for us to speak in tongues to say the same word, although it is done over and over and over and over. We come to the question of how the sacred name figures in the name of Jesus so that Jesus could say: I CAME IN MY FATHER'S NAME? Here is the truth and the facts. Elohim is the Hebrew word for God, God used the abbreviation of Elohim as *El* and the Patriarchs added this *EL* to the names of children, to the names of places, and to words of praise and worship. This carried with it the full power and force as if the whole name was pronounced and stood to the entire and wholeness of God's being and person. Thus we have Bethel or Beth-el which means house of God. We have Daniel or Dani-el or God is my judge, ...and so forth. The same was done with the sacred name Ehyeh. the *Yeh* was added to names, places, and words of praise and worship. The Jews changed this *Yeh* into *Yah* and that is a gross error as there was a Babylonian god named *yah*. But our YEH is not their YAH. Or our God is not their god. Or our Elohim is not the elohim. Same difference. Now, the name of Jesus in English, is *Yehsha or Yesha* in Hebrew and comes from the word meaning salvation. Go look it up (Strong's 3467). In Hebrew the *h* is omitted but is pronounced silently so that if you say Yesha you are saying YEHSHA. The name Yehsha contains the abbreviation of *Yeh* from Ehyeh. And where ever this YEH is used as in the use of EL it carries with it the full force, power, and meaning of identity of the wholeness of God's being and person. And thus we have not only then the name of God in the name of Jesus, but it means *EHYEH* IS OUR SALVATION, or *EHYEH* OR THE I AM HAS BROUGHT SALVATION. Thus, in the name of Jehsus or the Greek Iehsous, the contraction of "Yeh" from "Ehyeh" makes the name of Jehsus to mean I AM HAS BROUGH SALVATION. Why so many take out *Ehyeh* and put in the word *God* or the tetragrammatons to keep from pronouncing the sacred name in association with the name of Jesus is a tremendous FRAUD! The name Yehsha has the *s* added to it to in the Greek language to give it masculine gender as IESOUS. So then we have the name YEHSHAS or YEH-SHAS transliterated as IEHSOUS (yeh-sous), not Yah- shua, or Iah-shua. That the *Y* became a *J* has no bearing on the articulation of the name as the Yeh is also pronounced as Jeh or Gee as in Je-re-mi-ah. Here the name is correctly; Yeh-re-mi-yeh or as we say it: Gee-re-mi-eh. And with an English accent rather than German, Irish, Polish, Russian, Greek, Italian, etc we pronounce the name of Iehsous as Yehsha, Yeh-shas or Gee-shas, or as spelled Jesus. The *h* is in the name of Jesus as in Jehsus, but the *h* is pronounced in the *Je* part of the name. It is NOT THE SPELLING we are interested in but the pronunciation of the name which however it is spelled, is accepted by God as his sons and daughters calling upon his name. There is much more to it, but suffice to say, that the books do not contain at all any of the above information and what I have given is accurate. Therefore the name of Jesus is NOT ...Yahshua. For in that spelling there is no salvation, as the word salvation in Hebrew is Yehsha. Go look it up for yourself (Strong's 3467). The Yahweh apostates have taken a name YEHSAHS that means salvation and REPLACED it with a name Yahshua that has no salvation in it at all. The same with the word Yahweh. It is false from the tetragrammaton all the way to their mystical and witchcraft way of using gematria and numerology to create and fabricate it. Both the words Jehovah (Catholic) and Yahweh (Protestant) are guess names and they cannot save a dog. Those guess name-words were never spoken by anyone until they were invented by mystics and those affiliated with the occult. I resent any occult creation of a name for God and then try to make that superior to the name of Jesus, as if the Lord Jesus needs the ministry of the occult as a source of his divine revelation. But in the name of Jesus, pronounced as Gee-shas from Yehshas or Jehshas, comes the GREATEST name of God to all the world. And remember, we are to PREACH *that* name for salvation and none other (Acts 4:12). My screen-name is not Acts 0412 by accident. And if we preach any other name, we are not Ministers of Jesus Christ because he sent his apostles to preach salvation only IN HIS NAME (Luke 24:47), not the words God, Elshaddai, Ehyeh, et al.

And if these are the names of God for salvation, and Jesus sent his Apostles with his name alone for use for salvation, then let's forget all about Christianity and go join the Jews and Phariseeism, because Jesus would have been a fraud and he deserved to die for sending the Apostles to the world in his name and NOT some other name of God.

But if he was God manifest in the flesh, and his name was the final and greatest name of God ever revealed, then the gainsayers had better repent or they will perish to hell-fire as reprobates who denied the name of Jesus.
Here is the conclusion: God's salvation name from before the foundation of the world, for that is when he set forth his plan of redemption and the Lamb's Book of Life, was Yehshas or Jehshas pronounced in English as Jesus. It was to this name all the others pointed and were partial revelations. So that the word *God* is a partial revelation of who Jesus is as Creator. The word Elshaddai is a more fuller revelation of the Almighty Creator and he who Blesses, as by this new name Abraham was blessed and given it for use in blessing. And then EHYEH is a revelation of the Covenant God. So that these point to the fullness of the revelation of the GREAT name of Yehshas or Jesus as Creator God, the Blessing God, the Covenant God, and lastly the Saving God. Hence we have here that as the tabernacle and all the symbols and rituals of the Old Testament were TYPES and SHADOWS to be fulfilled and brought to their climax and completion with Christ and the New Testament Church WITH THE REAL, so all the temporary and substitute names and titles of God were only types and shadows of the REAL name of God revealed in Jesus Christ. So that the name of Jesus or Yehshas is not derived from any name of God, but visa versa, they were all derived from and point to Jesus Christ from which they all have their type. Even so, the Fullness of New Testament salvation in Christ as the Supreme Sacrifice, Water Baptism, being filled with the Spirit, are not patterns of the Old Tabernacle system, but rather the REAL thing that cast the shadows upon those rituals and practices and to which they spoke in figure but not the very things. So, the name of Jesus did not derive from any Old Testament name or title of God, but rather that glorious name cast the shadow upon all the old Testament names and titles, so that they could only see through the glass darkly as to the fullness of the revelation of the TRUE name of Jesus Christ by such words as God, Elshaddai, First & Last, Alpha & Omega et al. Moses then renaming Oshea to Joshua or as accurately, Jeh-oshua (Num 13:16). The Jews dropped the YEH as the sacred name and shortened this to Joshua corrupting even the YEH as Moses clearly gave it to *JO.* Such a puzzle is only matched by the thimblerigging of the Catholic Church in using the titles: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, in the place of Jesus Christ as Peter plainly gave it. There is no God named *Jo* or *Joe* ha ha. Please notice that Moses did not name him YAHOSHUA. As YAH is not correct it is YEH as the abbreviation or contraction. And this Yehoshua name is a partial revelation of that JESUS who would at the very place of the CROSSING, Bethabara, appear for baptism by John the Baptist, and there coming up out of the water, was the JESUS or one that Jehoshua was a type and shadow of. All men have not this revelation, and only they to whom it is sent can grasp it. If a person sees the God of the first Commandment not being Jesus Christ, and as to his name which was not revealed there, then they still have the vail of reading the Law over their heads and they are blind. Anyone who keeps the First Commandment and does not honor the Lord Jesus Christ as the God of it, is blind, and that is the whole of the Yahweh and Law-keepers apostasy. They do not see the revelation of Jesus as EVERYTHING God is or was or shall ever be. They want to separate the God of the Old Testament from the Jesus of the New, and make Jehovah or Yahweh the Father of Jehovah or Yahweh junior and use these guess names to be superior and more saving than the name of Jesus Christ my Lord. I resent that and I protest against it by the writing of these words to you. I am as much a Minister of the Name as I am the Gospel sent by the authority of that NAME. Anyone not bearing that NAME and the Revelation of it has no authority to be preaching nor is that person ordained and sent by the Lord Jesus Christ. They will go to the books and preach man's teachings while the revelation we so need in our hour is darkened and silent. But I shall speak, I shall write, I shall praise that worthy name they blaspheme. So it is written, so it shall be done. Below is a small assortment of false guess names the assorted sacred name groups are fighting among themselves over, all taken from the IHUH, YHUH, IHVH, YHVH or IHWH, YHWH tetragrammatons. You want to go crazy also? Grab one below, deny the name of Jesus, go back under the Law, depart from the grace and name of Jesus Messiah, and you will become a hater of the name of Jesus also: Yahueh (ya-hu-eh) Iahueh (i-a-hu-eh) Yahuah (ya-hu-ah) Iahuah (ia-hu-ah) Yahevahe (yah-e-va-he) Iahevahe (ia-he-va-he) Yohwah (yoh-wah) Iohwah (i-oh-wah) Yohweh (yoh-weh) Iohweh (i-oh-weh) Yahwah (yah-wah) Iahwah (i-ah-wah) Yehwah (yeh-wah) Iehwah (i-eh-wah) Yehweh (yeh-weh) Iehweh (i-eh-weh) Yahweh (yah-weh) Iahweh (i-ah-weh) Yahwe (yah-we) Iahwe (i-ah-we) Yahohewah (yah-o-he-wah) Iahohewah (i-a-ho-he-wah) Yahuwah (ya-hu-wah) Iahuwah (i-a-hu-wah) Yahveh (yah-veh) Yehveh (yeh-veh) Yahohevah (yah-o-he-vah) Eave (e-a-ve) Jehovah (je-ho-vah) Iehovah (i-eh-ho-vah) I will say with all gravity and sincerity that no where in the Scriptures are we told that we had to speak any word or name in an exact Hebrew manner. The Apostles did not feel it a sin to translate the sacred name into Greek as Iehsous (Iesous) and I feel it no less degrading that this great name be translated into every language of the world. So, I will not condemn or betray the faith of those who say the name of Jesus Christ in Chinese, German, Spanish, Russian, etc. We will let our God be the judge. The "I" to "J" factor: One of the lies pushed by the Yahwist, is that the name of Jesus starts with a "J" and there is no "J" or a letter that sounds out like the present "J" in the Hebrew language. They make a lot to do about there being no "J" or a "J" sound in the English language until the letter "I" was changed into a "J" sometime in the 16th century. One Yahwist prophet said he would give anyone $10,000.00 if they could produce the proof that the letter "J" existed as a pronunciation in Hebrew prior to this alleged change. That proof has been furnished to him, and he refuses to pay up. The following was scanned from the book entitled: God, Jews, And History, by Max I Dimont (a Jewish Scholar), page 29: This one example of how the letter "Y" WAS PRONOUNCED as a "J" proves the Yahwist claims are false. Now some of the antichrist against the name of Jesus claim I am changing something here. Note carefully that if the "J" is pronounced like the "Y" then correctly the "Y" and the "J" have the same pronunciation. Also please note that the sounding of the "J" is preserved in the Greek translations for the Hebrew or Aramaic "Y" or "I" as "Jo" as in the case of Jo-shua. We also know that "Jo" is an attempt to continue the original "Yeh" or "Jeh" as pronounced in ancient Hebrew or Aramaic. What we have here is more likely the infusion of Babylonian Chaldean Aramaic backward into the Hebrew and finally into Greek and that answers to why there is the duality of "Jo" and "Je". It must also be remembered that true ancient Hebrew is a dead language of which we know little about correct pronunciation. There are no extant MSS that indicate vowels and or pronunciation. Vowels were guessed at around 700-800AD and placed into the scrolls at that time. Scholars have found hundreds of errors in these additions. Such is the placing of wrong vowels like "a" and "e" in the words where it is now known the other vowel belongs. All we have is the Greek MSS and any transfer of the articulation of the Hebrew or Aramaic phonetics into that tongue. And do not let the gainsayers say this has not happened. We would point out that it did happen in the transfer of ancient Hebrew into Chaldean Babylonian Aramaic and thus back to us again from Chaldean Babylonian Aramaic into Greek. Anyone who denies this route of transfer of many words is simply ignorant of the facts. Check your Strongs and look for the abbreviation "Chald" that he uses to show where the transfer comes from into Greek. Look for instance at Strongs "Rabboni" #4462. Look at how "Rabboni" is a Babylonian Chaldean Aramaic word that is the equivalent of the Greek "Lord" but yet it is translated "Master." Modern Hebrew is not the same as ancient Hebrew. The way words are pronounced in modern Hebrew cannot be proven to be the way they were pronounced in ancient Hebrew unless we use Greek words where we know the phonetics were transferred from either Hebrew or Aramaic. Modern Hebrew is an invented language based upon several languages and a lot of guessing. Likewise, anyone who says that the ancient Hebrew language had no "J' or "Jo" or "Jod" sounding is simply spreading falsehood based upon Jewish errors and Gentile stupidity. Yahshua The guess name "Yahshua" IS NOT found anywhere in any ancient manuscript as the name of the Messiah. It is not in the Bible ANYWHERE! I have debated the Yahwehs and asked them to produce the documents that the name "Yahshua" was the name of the Messiah. Thus far none have done so and they shall never be able to do so. In spite of this, there are several Yahweh sects and cults who continue to spread the false doctrine that "Yahshua" is the correct Hebrew name for Jesus. They claim "Yahshua" does not need transliteration and is accurate in that name form. Is this true? No it is not! The fact is, that when the Babylonian Masoretic scribes updated the Aramaic and Greek Scriptures in their possession to form a new "redacted" Bible, they added dots and dashes to represent vowel sounds they believed were within these words. Over the centuries quite a few mistakes and fabrications to this new version have been discovered. In spite of this, many continue to use these added vowel points as being the inspired act of God? These are the descendents of the same scribes who opposed Jesus and joined in the plot to have him crucified. They were blind guides on Scripture then and they remain BLIND GUIDES. Of what interest is it to them to translate something accurately if it can be used to prive Jesus was the Messiah? In fact they take the view that it is better for them to corrupt the text than to have it accurate if it can be used to authenticate Jesus was the Messiah. It was these Masoretic scribes living in Babylon who claimed that the correct vowels to insert into the tetragrammaton YHWH were those in the word "Adonai". And it was these same scribes who practiced magic and the Kabbalah who suggested that when the vowels of Adonai were combined with YHVH, the sacred name was "Iehovah" later to be spelled either "Yehovah" or "Jehovah." Certainly the Jews did not protest their own formula for guessing the lost sacred name, they gave it to the world. When this guess name was promoted by Martin of Troppau in his "Pugio Fidei (1278AD)", of the secret Order of St. Dominic, the Jews did not protest. In fact, many do not protest today although the most recent guess name of "Yahweh" is now the favorite of Jews, Catholics, Protestants, and found proliferated by them extensively throughout their modern theologies. And what do they offer as the AUTHORITY for adding the necessary vowels to form Yahweh? THEY DO NOT USE THE VOWELS OF ADONAY AT ALL. There is not ONE CLAIM that ADONAY as used to form JEHOVAH was used at all to form YAHWEH! From whence comes the "e" in Yahw-"e"-h? And from whence comes the "weh"? We know what they say "Yah" means, but what is the pregnant hidden riddle in the "weh." Let them tell us! And let them tell us how this associates with ADONAY! It is the taking of "Yah" as found in the KJV in Psalms 68:4 as "Jah" that begins the subterfuge of creating the false name "Yahshua". In the Psalms text, the word "Jah" is said by Strongs to come from "iah". It is from a false use of this three-lettered word that "Yah" emerges as the first step in the formula of fabricating the name "Yahshua." At this point there is no such name as "Yahshua" it must be fabricated, it is not found once in all of the Word of God in any ancient manuscript. The first error of the Concision here, is to give this three-lettered word the pronunciation of "Yah" with the "Y" replacing the "I". Now there is no "Y" in the Hebrew alphabet but that makes no difference to the sacred-name sects and cults. These rely strongly upon Catholic and Protestant theologians and their books, who also do this, but it does not make it accurate. "Yah" is pronounced wrong because the "Y" is made to replace the "I" in "iah." Anyone who knows anything about "iah" knows that these three letters were just a pronunciation form of a much older and ancient spelling of "HYH". That ancient and much older spelling is "Ehyeh" (HYH with two "e" inserted correctly). When this name is pronounced ,"Eh" becomes an "i" and "yeh" becomes "jeh or ah", thus "i-jeh" as in "El-ijeh" or "El-ijah, ...Elijah in the KJV," and also "iah" as added as a suffix BUT NEVER AS A PREFIX to several names in the Bible. It is when the "i" takes the 'jod" sound that "Jah" emerges in Psalms 68:4. Scholars must have weighed heavily the correct sounding of "I" in the Hebrew text and chose the "jod" and not the "yod" pronunciation of the corrected redacted alphabet and Masoretic text of 700AD. And for several centuries the Jews made no protest. To this day, those who are intelligent on this issue still refuse to become embroiled in this debate knowing that the scholars acted upon professional information provided by the Jews themselves. The Jews give the letter "i" both the "yod" and the "jod" soundings. It was after the Babylonian Masoretics added their revisions and vowel points to their Scriptures that "yod" has been more extensively adopted as the pronunciation of the letter "i". In the Psalms text the letter "J" or the "jod" use was adopted and the three-lettered name "Jah" appears in the KJV. The Yahshua sects and cults then proceed to claim that both the Father and the Son's names must begin with "Yah" although no name may begin with these three letters. They must stand alone or at the END of a name, NEVER at the beginning! And further, the Yahshua sects and cults allege that all salvation and truth will rest upon the personal new guess names of "Yahweh and Yahshua." It is then necessary for them to destroy the name of Jesus in order to establish these guess names using "Yah" as a prefix. The sacred-name sects and cults will then begin to blaspheme against the name of Jesus, claiming that some evil translator just assigned to Jesus a name in Greek and "Iesous" was that name. Then they claim this unknown translator made this name up and was borrowed from Zeus, the name of a pagan god. With careful and artistic skill in fabricating their falsehood, these creep into homes and Churches leading the ignorant, the stupid, and the faithless to renounce and recant the name of Jesus. Having debated the Yahweh's it has been my experience that those who fall into this heresy are simply stupid and it gives them some opportunity to appear intelligent. I have not met a one of them who when challenged was not heady, highminded, mean-spirited, and arrogant. These ignorant ones for the most part are usually those who were not founded well in the Word of God in the first place, many being troublesome members who were always carried about with strange winds of doctrine looking for some added ingredient that would make their salvation better or stronger. Heresy always seems to masquerade itself as something being restored when in fact it is something that is "distorted." I will quote here from Daniel Segraves book "The Messiah's Name Jesus, Not Yahshua" pp13-14: "The claim that the Hebrew yod "carries the sound of "ee" as in "police" (12) further reveals the author's lack of familiarity with the Hebrew language. Yod is transliterated into English as "y," and it has no vowel sounds of its own at all. The author (speaking of a YNCA writer) may be confused about the development of matres lectionis during the monarchic period of Israel's history. "In the earliest phase of the development of Hebrew, vowels were not indicated at all." (13) But during the monarchic period, the alphabetic signs he, yod and waw "were introduced at the end of words to indicate final long vowels." (14) When he, yod and waw are used to indicate final long vowels, they are not longer considered consonants. (15) In this case, the letters have taken on a different function altogether. In the third stage of the development of the Hebrew spelling system, the matres lectionis ("mothers of reading" in which consonants took on the new function of indicating vowel sounds), yod and waw began to be used not only at the ending of a word indicate a vowel, but also within a word. But yod never represents vowel sounds at the beginning of a word, and represents a vowel sound only at the ending of words. (16) The statement that yod "in Hebrew carries the sound of "ee" as in "police" is wrong. If the yod is at the end of a word, it indicates the "ee" sound. If it is within a word, it may or may not indicate the "ee" sound. If it is at the beginning of a word, IT NEVER INDICATES THE "ee" SOUND " (Note by Pastor Reckart, this proves my claim that IESOUS does not have the "ee" prefix sound of "Ie" and proves that "Ie" is a shortened form of the Hebrew "IEH or YEH" and should be pronounced Jeh-sous or as in English Jeh-sus, ...Jesus). Then on page 32 I quote Segraves: "The shortened form YAH is the independent form and/or the terminal form in some names like Elijah. Though it can stand alone or at the end of a word, IT CANNOT STAND AT THE BEGINNING." (Pastor Reckart's note: This means that "iah" or "Yah" can end a word but never be the start of a word, thus Yah can never be the first part of the Saviour's name or any other name.). "It is also not true that "Yahshua" means "the salvation of Yah." A note here, the New International Dictionary of New Testament Theology says this: "Iesous is the Greek form of the Old Testament Jewish name Yesua, arrived at by transcribing the Hebrew and adding an s to the nom. to facilitate declension." Here we have a case of the scholars declaring that "Iesous" to be the transliteration of the Hebrew Yesua, something that the sacred-name sects and cults deny and claim was derived instead from the name of Zeus! So, how do the scared-name sects and cults come up with Yahshua? They take Yah and glue the word "shua" to it and form their own guess name. The guess name of Yahshua is not FOUND ONCE IN ANY ANCIENT MANUSCRIPTS. It is a false name! Today, the KJV is by far the best English version available to the English speaking world. In it you will find the name of Jesus Christ, and you can trust that the name of Jesus is as correct a pronunciation of the name of the Saviour as it is in any language, even the ancient Hebrew. Written by - By Pastor G. Reckart on May 28, 1998


Though one may learn from this article, you can detect this kind of thought process in this article: " I am the one who is right, and all of you are wrong."

God is love... God is truth...

God lets His sun shine over the good and evil people...

God is the one who has the right to judge, not us, especially that who is outside the church...

Scrutinize this article well...

Learn from it...

Gather the facts only, and eliminate what is not a fact... Do not be influenced by the writer's opinion, but rather discern what is true from falsehood...

Those that are truth stands on its own...

Otherwise, do not believe the words which cannot stand on its own...



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